Saturday, June 4, 2011

Communicative Skills:

I had a lot of advanteges during this cource. One of the most important was how to be confident and how to be able to stand in the class and give a presentation about any topic. At the beggining it was really difficult but with time this cource helped me to manage my requirements and built my own knowledge. This experience allowed me to be more confident, relaxed and comfortable in front of the audiance. also this cource improved my English speaking skills and research ability.
The most important thing to me that I learned how to keep my voice level at the same level and how to control my body gestures. I learned how to get thier attention and to provide them with alot of valuable information. I wanted to capture thier hearts and make them listen to what iwant to say.

Communicative Skills:
looking at myself at this moment, i know for sure that i have improved in many ways. when it comes to body gesture, eye contact, voice tone and the information that i will deliver. i know i can do better everytime i stand up infront of the crowed. deep inside of me, i feel like i understood what it should be done to capture the crowed and make then interested in my subject. My biggest challenges in formal communications was trying to convey to the audience.
In conclusion i achieved all the required goals from this cource which will help me to held an efficient meetings in the future presentation.

Friday, June 3, 2011


On June 2nd, Geeks Squad Group attended a presentation in classroom T008 at 3:30. Our group consist of four persons, saif al saeedi, ahmed alhammadi, talal alshihhi andsaeed alqobaisi. Our presentation was on land pollution. Our topic was very weel-organized and prepared. Some student took between 3 to 5 minutes long in the presentation except ahmed alhammadi who took about 7 minutes to finish his part. Most of us were confident, comfortable and relaxed. We had a good eye contact with the whole classroom. Also we had a good clear voice during presentation. In my opinion ahmed alhammadi did well. He was again the most confident person during presentation. His performance was incredible. He provided some valuable information about this on going problem. His gestures were good, eye contact was on all class room and his voice was clear. He gave some examples on this problem and mentioned some good solutions which was very important. Overall he did well and every one was satisfied on his performance, however he needs to practice more in order to became more professional. In conclusion the presentation was good and we are looking forward to be better in the future.


on april 24th, Geeks Squad Group attended a presentation in classroom T008 at 3:15. Our group consist of four persons, ahmed alhammadi, talal alshihhi, saeed alqobaisi and saif alsaeedi . The presentation was on Ipads vs Laptops. Our topic was weel-organized and clear. Each student took between 3 to 5 minutes long in the presentation. Some of us were quite confident, relaxed and had a clear voice. However i think saeed was the most nervous of us and he did not say much. We had a good eye contact with the whole classroom. In my opinion ahmed alhammadi was the most confident person during presentation. He provided good valuable information about the topic. His gestures were good, eye contact was on the entire and his voice was strong and clear. He mentioned much a bout the history which was very interesting. Overall he did well, however he needs to practice more presentations in order to became more confident and proftional. In conclusion the presentation was good. It was simple and clear. we are looking forward to providing a suitable presentation in the future.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Student Success Meeting Minutes
          Date: March14, 2011 14:20 to 14:50 Venue: ADMC Room W104
Meeting called by: Mr. Ahmed Alhamadi Type of meeting: issue resolving
Note Taker: Mr. Talal Alshehhi
Attendees:  All members (Mr. Ahmed Alhamadi, Mr. Saif Alsaeedi , Mr. Talal Alshehhi, Mr. Saeed Hareb).
1.    Welcome, Attendance, Note Taker
·         Meeting started at 14:20
2.    Students do not understand the subject:
·         Give more English lessons.
·         Teachers should use an easier method which helps the students to understand.
3.    Not familiar with the lectures:
·         Use more than one technique to lecture the student.  
·         Teachers should take some lessons to learn how to deal with the average student.
4.    Students care less about the subject:
·         Have a meeting (open day) with the parents and give them a feedback about their children progress.
      5.    Shy to participate in class:
·         Make some activites.
       6.Students who does not study:
·         Force them to study by giving them more homework and more exams.

7.    A quick review for :
·         Everyone was clear about the suggestions and our recommendations after the note taker reviewed it.
8.    Action Plan:
·         The Note Taker shall take our suggestions and give it to Students Academic Service Manager  Mr. Khalid Abdullah for implementation.

9.    Progress check meeting:
·         Another meeting will be held within Three weeks time.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


In 17th of March, Geeks Squad Group had a meeting at 14:20 in the higher colleges of technology in Abu Dhabi in room W104. All principle members were present including the Chairman Mr. Ahmed Alhammadi, Note Taker: Mr. Talal Alshehi, The Charge Of Survey: Mr. Saif Alsaeedi and Minutes Keeper: Mr. Saeed Alqubaisi. Our main topic of this discussion was the reasons that lead some students to get lower marks less than they except. We did some researches to come up with useful ways to improve their skills and ability in the exams and in their future studies. In my opinion we had a helpful meeting and a useful discussion. I was in charge of doing the survey and gathering the information from some students who were suffering of this problem. I also played a good role in the meeting and was confident in giving the information for my chairman and others. I gave some solutions to help the students to get higher marks such as extra lessons during the weekdays or even at the weekends, more home works in the class, new teaching methods, tell the teachers to be more flexible with students by melting the ice between them and incarriege the students to participate in class with no fear from doing any mistakes. I was happy about my performance during the meeting and my survey was clear and accurate. My colleagues were really satisfied with my points and they agreed to assess me clearing all the points about our agenda. Finally i hope that we achieved our objectives and looking forward to implement them soon.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

my 1st blogger

My name is saif hassan alsaeedi, i was born in 1979 in Abu Dhabi. I finished high school in 1997, i joined the army at the same year. after that i went to United Kingdom to study english. I did nine month of english in Brighton city.  In 1998 i joined Northbrook college to study Airspace Engineering.  i spent my last two year there before returning home.  i got married in 2005. i have three children. I love football and Im a big supporter of Real Madrid team. in 2009 i decided to join abu dhabi mens college to complete my study and i hope i can get my bachalor with a lot of success.
there are many defficulties could the presenter face while present any supject such as:
1- less confiedent
2- being under pressure
3- how to attrack thier attention
4- eyes contact problems
5- forget some points
6- hand movements