Friday, March 25, 2011


Student Success Meeting Minutes
          Date: March14, 2011 14:20 to 14:50 Venue: ADMC Room W104
Meeting called by: Mr. Ahmed Alhamadi Type of meeting: issue resolving
Note Taker: Mr. Talal Alshehhi
Attendees:  All members (Mr. Ahmed Alhamadi, Mr. Saif Alsaeedi , Mr. Talal Alshehhi, Mr. Saeed Hareb).
1.    Welcome, Attendance, Note Taker
·         Meeting started at 14:20
2.    Students do not understand the subject:
·         Give more English lessons.
·         Teachers should use an easier method which helps the students to understand.
3.    Not familiar with the lectures:
·         Use more than one technique to lecture the student.  
·         Teachers should take some lessons to learn how to deal with the average student.
4.    Students care less about the subject:
·         Have a meeting (open day) with the parents and give them a feedback about their children progress.
      5.    Shy to participate in class:
·         Make some activites.
       6.Students who does not study:
·         Force them to study by giving them more homework and more exams.

7.    A quick review for :
·         Everyone was clear about the suggestions and our recommendations after the note taker reviewed it.
8.    Action Plan:
·         The Note Taker shall take our suggestions and give it to Students Academic Service Manager  Mr. Khalid Abdullah for implementation.

9.    Progress check meeting:
·         Another meeting will be held within Three weeks time.

1 comment:

  1. No semi-formal presentation report at your colleague. Do it this week, or no points.

