Friday, June 3, 2011


On June 2nd, Geeks Squad Group attended a presentation in classroom T008 at 3:30. Our group consist of four persons, saif al saeedi, ahmed alhammadi, talal alshihhi andsaeed alqobaisi. Our presentation was on land pollution. Our topic was very weel-organized and prepared. Some student took between 3 to 5 minutes long in the presentation except ahmed alhammadi who took about 7 minutes to finish his part. Most of us were confident, comfortable and relaxed. We had a good eye contact with the whole classroom. Also we had a good clear voice during presentation. In my opinion ahmed alhammadi did well. He was again the most confident person during presentation. His performance was incredible. He provided some valuable information about this on going problem. His gestures were good, eye contact was on all class room and his voice was clear. He gave some examples on this problem and mentioned some good solutions which was very important. Overall he did well and every one was satisfied on his performance, however he needs to practice more in order to became more professional. In conclusion the presentation was good and we are looking forward to be better in the future.

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