Friday, June 3, 2011


on april 24th, Geeks Squad Group attended a presentation in classroom T008 at 3:15. Our group consist of four persons, ahmed alhammadi, talal alshihhi, saeed alqobaisi and saif alsaeedi . The presentation was on Ipads vs Laptops. Our topic was weel-organized and clear. Each student took between 3 to 5 minutes long in the presentation. Some of us were quite confident, relaxed and had a clear voice. However i think saeed was the most nervous of us and he did not say much. We had a good eye contact with the whole classroom. In my opinion ahmed alhammadi was the most confident person during presentation. He provided good valuable information about the topic. His gestures were good, eye contact was on the entire and his voice was strong and clear. He mentioned much a bout the history which was very interesting. Overall he did well, however he needs to practice more presentations in order to became more confident and proftional. In conclusion the presentation was good. It was simple and clear. we are looking forward to providing a suitable presentation in the future.

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