Thursday, March 24, 2011


In 17th of March, Geeks Squad Group had a meeting at 14:20 in the higher colleges of technology in Abu Dhabi in room W104. All principle members were present including the Chairman Mr. Ahmed Alhammadi, Note Taker: Mr. Talal Alshehi, The Charge Of Survey: Mr. Saif Alsaeedi and Minutes Keeper: Mr. Saeed Alqubaisi. Our main topic of this discussion was the reasons that lead some students to get lower marks less than they except. We did some researches to come up with useful ways to improve their skills and ability in the exams and in their future studies. In my opinion we had a helpful meeting and a useful discussion. I was in charge of doing the survey and gathering the information from some students who were suffering of this problem. I also played a good role in the meeting and was confident in giving the information for my chairman and others. I gave some solutions to help the students to get higher marks such as extra lessons during the weekdays or even at the weekends, more home works in the class, new teaching methods, tell the teachers to be more flexible with students by melting the ice between them and incarriege the students to participate in class with no fear from doing any mistakes. I was happy about my performance during the meeting and my survey was clear and accurate. My colleagues were really satisfied with my points and they agreed to assess me clearing all the points about our agenda. Finally i hope that we achieved our objectives and looking forward to implement them soon.

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